BEZZERA today is a modern and 'technological' company.
A company that is over a century old ...
... and doesn't show it. BEZZERA family has been able, over the years, to renew and innovate. Innovating espresso coffee machines, to maintain primacy, renewing technologies: to remain at the avant-garde.
The BEZZERA factory produces espresso coffee machines that are considered among the best and most popular on the international market. Because the entire production process takes place in the BEZZERA factory with the greatest care: from the choice of raw materials to the processing of steel and copper boilers, from assembly to quality control. To give its customers a product of inimitable quality.
Particular attention is paid to the valorisation of human resources and to the continuous technological updating of machinery, fundamental elements for obtaining products recognised for their construction excellence typical of Made in Italy.
Today, BEZZERA is known throughout the world, like its invention, as the "espresso" coffee: one of the best-known Italian traditions.
The company is characterized by a modern production facility located in 4 sheds with 95 employees, where the components and finished products are designed and manufactured onsite, through the use of state-of-the-art continuous cycle robots and modern CNC machines tool.
Bezzera produces professional and semi-professional espresso coffee machines, exporting to about 50 countries, thanks to a select network of dealers.

The entire Bezzera espresso machines productive process takes place inside of the company, with the utmost care taken in every stage, starting from the selection of raw materials.Special attention is focused on making the most of human resources and the continuous technological updating of machinery, fundamental elements for the obtainment of final products renowned for their excellent construction, typical of Made in Italy products.

The quality of Bezzera machines has always been the prime objective of the Research & Development Department, which collaborates with the technical services provided by its resellers for continuous improvement of the products, periodically implementing technical updates and training on the culture of espresso coffee.

The severe final inspections carried out for each Bezzera machine guarantees the reliability which makes our brand so well known around the world.

It was in 1901 when Luigi Bezzera patented the first espresso coffee machine introducing a new way of drinking coffee, starting the Italian Espresso Coffee culture.
Through Patent No. 726,793 of May 28, 1902, filed in the United States, Luigi Bezzera describes in detail the structure of the coffee machine with the important changes he made compared to those already existing.
Thus, was born one of the most famous Italian traditions in the world. The first espresso coffee machine Bezzera was called ‘tipo gigante con doppio rubinetto’: a "jewel" of technology for those times.
This was the beginning of a series of handcrafted production with a discrete diversification of models, from the smallest with a 20-litre boiler to the largest with a 50-litre capacity.
This first model was followed by the Vittoria Alata machine; an iconic machine that has crossed the times (and with the necessary modifications) has reached our times.

This was the first espresso coffee machine, which was exhibited at the Milan International Fair in 1906.

His son, Giuseppe Bezzera, took over from Luigi Bezzera.
These were difficult years in the management of the business: before the outbreak of the War, there was the embargo of coffee (in place of which chicory and barley were used) imposed by the British; then came the Second World War.
Despite all these adversities, Giuseppe Bezzera managed to grow the family business, increasing production and sales.
In the early ‘30s, the first machine with an evocative name, 'Lilliput', was born, a tradition that has continued to this day.

A heavy air raid (during World War II) destroys one third of the company.
For this reason, the company moves from Via Paolo Sarpi, 6 to Via Paolo Sarpi, 90 (always in Milan).

On the death of Giuseppe Bezzera, Mrs. Rosita Cardano Bezzera (his wife) took over the management of the company.
These were troubled years, which saw the company in difficulty, mainly due to two reasons: certainly, one was linked to a social issue: there was a woman at the top of Bezzera. In those years in Italy there were prejudices against women in business. Mrs. Rosita, a strong and determined woman, found herself struggling in a predominantly male-dominated market, but that was not the only problem. The biggest difficulty she faced was the fierce competition with large coffee machine companies that had emerged in the meantime.

Guido Bezzera (only 19 years old) took over the leadership of the company. After an uphill start (after various vicissitudes) the company had reduced from 10 workers to 2-3... with these few employees young Guido began his entrepreneurial adventure.
Mr. Guido understood that, being the italian market already developed, the company had to leave the Bel Paese and launch sales abroad, directing its energies towards new market horizons.
These new "virgin" territories (initially) were Iran and Portugal.
The (his) first machine produced is a manifesto to his resilience as a businessman... Res-Nova. (from the Latin "Cosa Nuova").
The name reminds of the rebirth concept, but it is also linked to the idea of an innovative design: with the body on the sides "rounded" and a brass profile frame with a neon light on the front.
The "Res-Nova" was installed, among others, in the Pirelli factories in Milan and Turin, and at Fiumicino airport in Rome for Alitalia.

The company moved from Milan to Trezzano sul Naviglio.
This move is due to the exigency (and necessity) to grow; in fact this year sees big investments in carpentry and turning machines... which transforms a small artisan reality in a small industry (always with artisan vocation).

Investments, will, passion and hard work rewarded Mr. Bezzera's entrepreneurial vision. In fact, the company moved from Trezzano sul Naviglio to Rosate.
This change of location saw further growth of the company, which moved to a 6,000 sq.m. warehouse.
In addition to this important change, the company consolidated its foreign sales network and modernised its internal production.
Always in the same year were born the machines of the Ellisse series and the BZ99, two "excellences" in espresso coffee machines.

With the new millennium, Luca Bezzera (the fourth generation of the Bezzera family) became Managing Director.
The company expands its prospects and opens up to Asian markets with the distribution of HORECA products.
Also in this year, start the manufacturing of compact machines (with professional components) called: semi-professional machines; the first home espresso machines.

In the process of continuous growth, the company acquired two new warehouses, increasing its production area to 10,000 square metres, transforming itself from a sole proprietorship into a limited company.

The Victoria model was launched, a design icon in the world of speciality coffee machines. This model is exported worldwide and is the official sponsor of various international coffee competitions.
The story is available for the download, at the following link:

MiCo Milano Convention Centre
Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 – 20149
Milan - Italy

Booth: 2J2-01
Singapore Expo
1 Expo Drive, Singapore 486150

27th - 30th JUNE 2024